Sunday, November 5, 2017

Science Fiction Romance--a guest post by Paxton Summers. #SFR #newrelease

Why are you so afraid of science fiction romance?

Okay, I get it, it’s not your thing. But hey, have you read or watched the Hunger Games? Have you read or watched the movie, I Am Number Four? How about Jurassic Park? The Abyss?

Yes? Then you’ve experienced a form of science fiction romance, or science fiction with romance elements.

But wait, none of those take place in space or on a ship, that’s not science fiction.

Oh, but it is.

I understand what you’re saying, but did you know that while many science fiction novels or novellas do take place in space, many others don’t. Even better, you might find a few that cross genres into paranormal, historical, military, and even contemporary and suspense. The nuts and bolts technology is there, just as the flaming clothing and flying crafts, and various other technologies are employed in the Hunger Games (a dystopian young adult romance), to keep the competitors in the arena. Wait, you liked that book? Then I’ve got a series or two for you.

I’ve been talking about misconceptions in science fiction romance all week. The number one misconception is that you have to have a thorough understanding of science to love them. This is not true. Though science is incorporated in many science fiction romance novels, often it flawlessly flows and more often than not, crosses genres, and you don’t need a textbook to grasp the story. Actually, you just have to have an open mind.

Here’s a little secret about science fiction romance you may not have thought about. Science was once fantasy, and many novels written in the genre have a touch of it—sometimes more than that.

Yes, most science was once fantasy. It’s true. Think about it. Two hundred years ago you would have been tried as a witch and burned at the stake for suggesting a person could use a cell phone, or watch plays on the big screen and television. What was once magic to one people, became hard fact, once the myth became proved science. Let’s get a little more modern shall we, and bend some electromagnetic waves to make something or someone invisible to the naked eye. Get out! You can’t do that. Oh yes you can. It’s true. By bending EM waves, you can make a person or object invisible. Science! Booyah. The invisible girl has become a reality. Got to love that.

So, step into my parlor said the spider to the fly. My mission is to hook you on an often misjudged and much too neglected genre, which has more to offer than you can possibly imagine. My challenge, if you chose to accept it, is to pick up the first book in my NA Dystopian series, written as Paxton Summers, called Clone, the Book of Eva. While not a romance, it has romantic elements and it’s a good start if you’re looking to sink your teeth into this genre, but don’t want to jump into the deep end of the pool. 

Clone the Book of Eva is available here:  

 You might discover how friendly and fun this genre is. And don’t be surprised to find that something you’ve been afraid to try, really wasn’t what you thought it was.

Go ahead, pick one up. I dare you.

 ~Paxton Summers

When a world leader’s daughter meets a clone, a doomed love affair begins.

 In the year 2087, a great war erupts on the planet and a struggle to survive begins. One hundred-fifty years later, the continent of America is divided into two factions, Aeropia and The United Regions. There is a shortage of food and an abundance of illness, leaving most to live on the scraps of the wealthy, who wallow in excess.

This is the world Olivia Braun inherits. Sick from birth, she wakes up from surgery with a new heart, only to discover she is the youngest president of Aeropia, an empire that has created and used clones to maintain its position of supremacy since the war. However, Olivia’s rise to power is no accident. Before her transplant, she conspired with a clone to free those enslaved, but the outcome is not what she expected.

Now, enemies hide among the population, and even friends can no longer be trusted. Olivia must make a choice that will decide the fate of an empire. Before her tale of corruption, forbidden love and war ends, the mighty will be brought to their knees.

By a clone.

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About the Author

Paxton Summers loves to incorporate crazy plot twists, comedy and the unexpected into her worlds. As a U.S. Army veteran, she naturally adores men in uniform and feels the world could always use more. She does her part by incorporating as many sexy soldiers in her novels as she can. When she isn't writing or running the roads, you can often find her online chatting with her peers and readers. Grab a cup of iced coffee, pull up your virtual chair and say hi. She loves emails and blog visits from her readers.

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