Thursday, February 12, 2015

What’s your favorite paranormal character?

Mine is the beloved Vampire. From ancient to ruthless to sexy to sparkly (I had fun with my daughter reading the Twilight Series together) – I’m a fan and always will be.

Vamps have it all, strength, sex appeal, immortality.  I love a strong, sexy alpha male, who doesn’t, but it’s their immortality that attracts me, and maybe not for the reason you think. I’m a die hard horror fan, but I also love history – dark history that shows the more sinister side of humankind.

Vampires fascinate me because of their knowledge of the past - sometimes into antiquity. If I could sit and pick their brain about all they have seen and experienced since being turned - I’d even be willing to give a little blood if necessary, LOL – I’d be the happiest girl in the world.

Do you like vampires? If so, what draws you to them?

Debbie Christiana


  1. Hi Debbie. I also love vampires. I've been a fan of them all my life, starting with Christopher Lee's Dracula. Though I like pretty much all types of vampires, I love the idea of vampires as aliens.

    1. Hi Kate - I loved Christopher Lee's portrayal of Dracula, very sexy I thought :) Vamps as aliens? That's a great twist on the story!! Have you written about that?

  2. He was sexy, but also chilling! He's still one of my favorite screen vampires. I've written several books with alien vampires. One of the series is called Ancient Blood.

  3. Very cool, I'll have to check it out ;)
